Kids Martial Arts

Confidence, Self-Discipline and Mental Focus


Unlike traditional Martial Arts, where teaching self defense is the primary focus, our classes are purposefully designed with agility drills, games, and stepping stone challenges to build confidence and develop self-discipline and focus. Our goal is to create kids who are empowered to try their best and meet challenges head on with determination and excellence. Whether that is in the karate classroom, or at home or school.

Excellence is encouraged outside our karate classroom through special rewards. There are special rewards in class for completing chores at home, receiving a good grade at school, and even for setting personal goals unique to your child, and completing the actions steps that the instructor, child, and mom/dad agree on.

The great thing is that developing confidence and self discipline is like learning to swim, or ride a bike. Once you learn, you never forget. And if a child is put in a situation where they need to focus at school, or show self-discipline by completing chores and tasks, or if they face unhealthy peer pressure, or need to defend themselves, they will have the confidence and tools to do what is right and make the best decision.

And for all of the important things we can teach your child... one of the biggest reasons KIDS want to take classes with us is that we make learning FUN!

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